Join us:

protect green spaces for Wotton-under-Edge

Become a member of Wotton Community Land Trust

I hereby apply for one membership share in the Wotton Community Land Trust (WCLT) Ltd at the cost of £1 a share.

I understand that the share is not withdrawable nor transferable.

The shareholding entitles the shareholder to vote at any meeting of the WCLT Ltd to which members are invited and entitled to vote.

The shareholding entitles the shareholder to a single vote at such meetings. On receipt of monies the Secretary of WCLT Ltd will issue an electronically communicated share to the applicant.

Membership of WCLT does not incur any further commitment, or imply any liability, but gives you a say and a vote on decisions made by the Trust and helps us form the vision for Brown’s Piece when we purchase it.

Bank transfer payment details: Wotton Community Land Trust Limited

Account number: 83319956

Sort code: 53-81-21

Please use your full name as the payment reference.

Gift Aid
If we reach our target we will contact you to ask you to honour your pledge by making a donation to us.  When we do, we will include a Gift Aid declaration for you to complete if you are willing and able. This would enable us to increase the value of your donation by reclaiming UK tax you have paid, 25p in every £1 you pledge.  If you have paid income tax at the higher or additional rate tax payer, you may also be able to claim tax relief on your donation.

Data protection
We will keep your personal data safe and only use it for Wotton Community Land Trust (WCLT) Ltd or WCLT unincorporated group business.