Our objectives

WCLT Ltd exists to benefit the community of Wotton-under-Edge parish and neighbouring parishes. Our objectives are:

  1. The business of protecting, conserving, restoring and enhancing the environment through the activities, purchase, lease and management of land and buildings for local communities to enjoy by all or any of (and not limited to) the following means:

  2. The advancement of education through the encouragement of community involvement in sustaining and enhancing landscapes, and by supporting rural livelihoods and communities.

  3. Promoting the biodiversity of the land through its sustainable management, managing habitats to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to climate change, benefit nature, to enhance wildlife populations and by acquiring valuable wildlife sites.

  4. By acting as a hub to share information, advice, skills and expertise for those seeking to conserve it.

  5. The conservation and protection of sites of historic interest, a specified building or complex, sometimes including a garden or other land of historic or architectural importance; or a site where a building has been, or where its remains can be seen.

  6. Any other charitable objectives for the benefit of wildlife and the community that can be carried out as the board may decide from time to time.

Wotton Community Land Trust (WCLT) Ltd

WCLT Ltd was registered on 18th Sept 2023 by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 as a Community Benefit Society, registration number 9148.

Find out more about Community Land Trusts at Community Land Trust Network | Homepage (communitylandtrusts.org.uk).  Please note that we are a land trust that is about community ownership of land rather than community owned affordable housing.

WCLT unincorporated group: we formed WCLT unincorporated group in May 2023 to help us make progress on a bank account and fund-raising.  With the same objectives and committee members as WCLT Ltd but with just a simple constitution it was not suitable to own the land or run the major fund-raising campaign.  At a suitable point, an Extraordinary General Meeting will consider a proposal to wind up WCLT unincorporated group and transfer its assets (up to a few thousand pounds) to WCLT Ltd.