Who we are

The committee

Dominic Driver
Dom is married to Katy with whom he has raised 3 kids. Dom and Katy moved to Wotton in 1997 when their eldest was 1 month old.  The children went to Blue Coat Primary School and Katharine Lady Berkeley School. Initially a schoolteacher, Dom’s professional career has mainly been in sustainable land management in the charitable and public sectors.  He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters, a Chartered Environmentalist and a member of the Chartered Institute of Environmental and Ecological Management.  He’s doing it mainly for the swifts!.

Sara Hodsman
Sara is married to Martin, both were brought up in and around Wotton and attended KLB. Recently returned to Wotton, after time spent in Thornbury and Devon, Sara is now retired following a varied career which included running a small holding and boarding cattery but most recently in Facilities Management. Hack Hill and Brown's Piece hold many memories, not least that it formed part of the old school cross country running route!

Moira Buist
Moira is from Devon and trained and worked as an RGN in London, where she met husband John. Before children she worked as a medical sales rep for J and J Opthalmic section for the SW of England, Wales and Channel Isles. After children started school, Moira returned to nursing and then worked from home producing two local directories. Moira now works in a voluntary capacity for an organisation in Stroud and local charities.

Ian Turner
Ian has been in the world of trees for the last 20 years. After many moves around the UK, and returning to live in Bristol, his wife Jo found Wotton. Ian and Jo have raised two children over the last 18 years.

Clint Golding
After spending his twenties working in the music business, Clint has spent over 20 years in website and software development, and digital marketing. He is currently The Digital Development Manager at the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. His family are happily settled in Wotton having moved from London four years ago.

Alison Lisle
An original Wottonian, Ali grew up in Wotton, attending The British School and KLBS. Her paternal family have lived in Wotton and the surrounding areas for several generations and many will know Ali’s Mum and Dad as the proprietor’s of The Cycle Shop on Long Street, which sold and serviced many bikes until they retired several years ago. As a kid she played on Brown’s Piece and Hack Hill with her friends, where they had a den by the badger sets! After studying German at Leicester University and living in Braunschweig for a short time, she missed her roots and came back to Wotton. Ali is a Strategic Project Manager for a technology company. She lives on Water Lane with her husband, Jon, and their little boy, who she hopes will grow up to enjoy the green space on Hack Hill, as she did.

Steve Edwards
Steve moved to Wotton in February 2022 with his wife Victoria and their 2 children, Thomas and Emily. They’ve moved a lot – this is their 6th home in 10 years, including 4 years spent in Abu Dhabi where they ran an animal rescue charity alongside their day jobs - but say they're done moving and couldn't be happier here! Alongside his job in IT and his work with WCLT, Steve is a trustee for the Wotton Civic Society, a governor at Blue Coat, and runs a national heritage housing advice group.

Bel Whitwam
I have lived in Wotton with my husband Mark and two children since 2000. I am now retired andenjoying working on various Wotton wildlife projects and walking the local countryside with my husband and dog. My working life was in the environmental land use sector working with landowners to deliver environmental projects such as wildlife habitats and natural flood management solutions and advising on the management of protected wildlife sites.

Tom Nall

Moved to Wotton in 2019 to finally get some peace and quiet, and…well there’s another plan thwarted! My first Wotton dog walk was around Hack Hill and Brown’s Piece, and of course that land behind the fire station. It showed me that we’re blessed with green spaces in Wotton, and we mustn’t take them for granted. On the best walks I’m joined by Hannah and our two tykes.